Farming News - GB active substance expiry dates

GB active substance expiry dates

Upcoming GB active substance expiry dates

Biocidal products must be phased off the GB market


The active substance/product type combinations listed below are due to expire under the GB BPR on the following dates:

  • 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2,6- difluorobenzoyl)urea (diflubenzuron) (CAS 35367-38-5 EC 252-529-3) in product type 18
    31 January 2025

  • Powdered corn cob (CAS n/a EC n/a) in product type 14
    31 January 2025

  • Thiamethoxam (CAS 153719-23-4 EC 428-650-4) in product type 18
    31 January 2025

  • Formaldehyde (CAS 50-00-0 EC 200-001-8) in product type 2
    31 January 2025

  • Lauric acid (CAS 143-07-7 EC 205-582-1) in product type 19
    31 October 2025

  • Synthetic amorphous silicon dioxide (nano) (CAS 112926-00-8 EC 231-545-4) in product type 18
    31 October 2025


Once the approvals expire, the active substances will no longer be able to be used in biocidal products of the relevant product types in GB. In addition articles treated with such products will no longer be able to be placed on the market in GB.

If you hold an affected GB BPR product authorisation or Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR) product approval, we will contact you about cancelling or revoking your authorisation or approval. You will have an opportunity to submit comments or additional information and we will take account of these when finalising our decision.

If you are aware of any disproportionate negative impacts that are likely to arise from the expiry of any of the active substance/product type combinations listed above, please contact us.