Farming News - Fusarium Head Blight : species incidence and toxin risk 2012 - Update

Fusarium Head Blight : species incidence and toxin risk 2012 - Update

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Isolation and identification of the pathogens responsible for the FHB symptoms has been completed for 52% of the samples, with the non-toxin producing Microdochium nivale still causing the vast majority of symptoms.


Of the two deoxynivalenol producing species, Fusarium graminearum is predominating. The level of F. graminearum is variable across the different regions indicating that the risk from mycotoxin contamination will also vary, but nationally the risk from toxin contamination is high.


Currently, the South West and South East are looking like the highest mycotoxin risk regions; however isolations are still to be completed in some regions where levels of the toxin producing species are traditionally high. The level of rainfall between now and harvest will determine the level and type of mycotoxin contamination in grain.


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