Farming News - Fertiliser Market Update: prices genrally firm

Fertiliser Market Update: prices genrally firm


Calum Findlay, Gleadell’s Fertiliser Manager, comments on the fertiliser markets




Indian purchase of urea has given the market a bit of strength and most granular producers have full orders books for the time being. Egyptian supply is going to continue to be an issue for the next few months. In the UK things are very much unchanged, with urea still being priced for delivery pre- or post-harvest.


Ammonium Nitrate


Values are slightly firmer as the fertiliser season progresses. There is still early-season demand for both imported and domestic product. Orders are expected to quieten during harvest, but values are expected to increase, so we would advise securing some nitrogen tonnage. We still have space on our Oct-Dec Blue Bag Tracker.




News is coming though on the breakup of a trade agreement with Belarus potash company (BPC) and Uralkali on the marketing of its potash. This has being ongoing for three to six months, and the market is reflecting the changes. The long-term view is a small 3-5% increase in world potash supply over the coming year will be swallowed up by increased demand in China.




Spot demand for DAP, TSP and seedbed products is coming through as sowing time is on the horizon.