Farming News - Fertiliser Market Report: Urea demand up

Fertiliser Market Report: Urea demand up

Calum Findlay, Gleadell’s fertiliser manager, comments on the fertiliser markets

Granular Urea

A gas pipeline explosion has affected supply to three Egyptian urea producers.

Across Europe demand has improved and is forecast to continue in the coming weeks.

While some farmers have delayed ordering, delivery is now becoming an issue as a number of importers have moved on to March or even later deliveries. At 47p/kg urea provides exceptional value for money compared to other N sources and as a first dressing will fit most fertiliser systems.

Ammonium Nitrate

In the UK, the AN market remains unchanged as CF continues to be dominant. The premium between the superior UK product and imported AN is minimal, leading many farmers to switch.


CF’s granular compound range is priced competitively to blends this year, giving many the opportunity to return to using compounds.