Farming News - Fertiliser Market Report: End to dip in urea prices

Fertiliser Market Report: End to dip in urea prices

Calum Findlay, Gleadell’s fertiliser manager, comments on the fertiliser markets


There are signs that the downward trend in global prices has now stabilised and in the US and Brazil levels have edged upwards.

New business has been concluded this week into Europe, and in the UK product continues to move onto farm due to its very competitive price on cost-per-unit basis.

Forward values are starting to appear, with speculation mainly around the fact that global urea prices are at a five-year low, but buyers and sellers remain way apart at present.

Ammonium nitrate

Long holders of imported ammonium nitrate continue to clear stocks held at ports. Product is being forced into the market at below-replacement values. Any new-season price reductions are likely to be delayed as AN stocks across Europe remain tight, a situation that will continue through April and May.  


UK prices have remained supported as demand continues to surface. Grassland buyers are starting to make enquiries.