Farming News - Farmhouse Breakfast Week 2014

Farmhouse Breakfast Week 2014


Sunday 26 January sees the start of Farmhouse Breakfast Week, HGCA's annual consumer campaign that encourages people to recognise the benefits of a healthy breakfast and eat it more regularly.


For the 2014 campaign hundreds of events across the UK have been organised, from café breakfasts to school visits, with participation and support from organisations across the arable supply chain.


TV chef and breakfast lover Dean Edwards appeared on regional radio stations last week, encouraging consumers to vote for their favourite breakfast venue, as part of the Best Breakfast Awards. Dean and the HGCA 'breakfast squad' will be visiting the winner during Farmhouse Breakfast Week to crown them with the title "Best Breakfast in the UK".


The campaign is also inviting people to take photos of their 'best home breakfast' and upload to social media sites using the hashtag #breakfastweek for a chance to win a seaside break for two.


HGCA Marketing Executive Karen Levy said: "Last year HGCA sent out over 1,700 resource packs to schools and individual consumers to help make their Farmhouse Breakfast Week activities a success. We’re aiming to build on that to make this year's campaign the best ever."


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