Farming News - Farmers invited to test a new biostimulant made from seaweed in Wales

Farmers invited to test a new biostimulant made from seaweed in Wales

Production is set to begin this year on a natural biostimulant made from sustainably farmed seaweed off the coast of Wales – and farmers are invited to get involved in additional testing of the product.


Biostimulants are being explored by increasing numbers of farmers keen to transition towards a more regenerative farming practice. Câr Y Môr, Wales' first regenerative seaweed and shellfish farm, is to build a new seaweed processing facility this year at its site in St Davids, Pembrokeshire. It is inviting any farmers who wish to trial its Welsh-grown and made seaweed biostimulant to contact them to join the trial, which will take place later this year.


Founded in 2019, Câr Y Môr is a Community Benefit Society (CBS). This business structure enables it to be owned and democratically run by its growing 260 members. Membership is open to all as it only costs £1. Câr Y Môr's mission is to improve the health of our planet and people by sustainably farming seaweed and shellfish on its ocean farms off the coast of Pembrokeshire, and selling sustainable Welsh Seafood products locally, online and across the UK. The addition of seaweed biostimulant to their product range is key to bringing more benefits to all.


Initial research of seaweed biostimulants shows an average of 17% boost in crop yield (more details on the fact sheet accessed via this web page), reducing dependency on costly synthetic fertilisers, and empowering your soil with enhanced resilience against abiotic stress – all while contributing to the UK's transition to low-carbon agriculture. Câr-Y-Môr's biostimulant makes this a reality by tapping into the rich resource of farm-grown sugar kelp and oarweed, harnessing the ocean's nutrients through an energy-efficient process to nourish and invigorate the soil.


Câr Y Môr co-founder Owen Haines said: "Our seaweed biostimulant is not just a product; it's a promise to the land and to those who nurture it. As a sustainably focused, community-owned business based in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, we provide a cutting-edge biostimulant derived from our zero-input ocean farm located in grade A waters in the Ramsey Sound, off the coast of St Davids."


Owen hopes to inspire farmers and other agricultural experts to work with Câr Y Môr to trial the biostimulant and discover how best to use the biostimulants to improve crops, the land, and sea ecosystems.



Find out more about our biostimulant here. For more information or to join the trial of our product call 07773 846560 or email