Farming News - EU Referendum: The view from the farm
EU Referendum: The view from the farm
In a poll which appeared in a series of articles published earlier this year, readers were asked to give their views on the upcoming EU referendum.
The results of this poll revealed that, whereas early last year, there was no clear majority either for or against EU Membership (41% of respondents said they would have voted for Britain to remain part of the EU if the referendum was held in 2015, 41% would have chosen to leave, and 18% were undecided), at the time of asking* 49% would vote for Britain to leave the EU, 34% would vote for Britain to remain, and 17% were still undecided.
From this week, Farming Online will be running a new monthly poll to track the opinions of the farming community in the run-up to June’s election. The poll can be found in the right-hand bar on the Farming Online homepage and, with only two to three questions, should take a matter of seconds to complete.
Though they won’t be available immediately, we will be updating the results from the polls each month in articles on the subject.
Readers can re-take the poll each month, as we hope to gauge whether any change in opinion takes place as the Referendum draws closer.
*First poll findings are based on the answers of 347 respondents, between 24 February and 4 March 2016.