Farming News - EU pig prices: steady for Christmas

EU pig prices: steady for Christmas


According to German industry group ISN, European mature pig prices may continue to fall in some areas, but prices appear to be stabilising. ISN said, "In view of the producers’ high readiness to sell, the quantities of pigs mature for slaughter on offer are [still] sufficient to cover the meat industry’s needs."


However, German industry voices said that, following stabilisation in their country, the European price structure could stabilise once more. The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria followed Germany’s sideward movement this week.


However, prices fell in Denmark, where they had remained stable throughout a recent fall across much of Central and Southern Europe. There quotations went down by 2.6 cents.


Strong exports and lower production levels are said to be maintaining relatively high prices in Denmark. In 2013, pork production is expected to decline by 4 percent in Denmark.

In spite of the shifts seen in Europe in recent weeks, ISN said the picture for producers on the European continent looks to be a steady one towards Christmas. The industry group said, "Christmas Day… is dated very unfavourably placed for slaughtering this year, but, despite a few days of slaughter missing, the price level will be maintained on a steady level."