Farming News - EU Pig Prices: Prices rise across Europe

EU Pig Prices: Prices rise across Europe


Almost all over Europe, the mature pigs market has favoured producers, or at least remained stable, since the beginning of the week.


Decreasing quantities on offer are beginning to contrast with steady or higher demand in many regions. Prices only fell in Denmark and Britain, where a brief uptick at the beginning of the New Year has since given way to a slide


In Germany, quotations were lifted by 3 cents on Friday, though prices are still comparatively low due to pressure exerted in December, according to industry group ISN.  


According to the pig keepers' organisation, the rise in the German leading quotation also led to increases in Belgium, France, Austria and the Netherlands. ISN said, "From Austria in particular there is word about good fresh-meat business. In France, the quantities on offer as well as the slaughter weights went down."


A downward price trend in Spain also came to a halt. There, prices remained level over the past week. According to Spanish group Mercolleida, exporters in the country have received bad news: Russian authorities have opted to continue blocking imports from Spain.