Farming News - EU pig prices: prices drop further in central Europe

EU pig prices: prices drop further in central Europe


Quotations for producers have continued to fall in the European mature pigs market. The markdowns range from a corrected minus 5 cents in Belgium to minus 1 cent in France. As a result of the slight price decrease in France, the German quotation now ranks fifth within the European price structure of the five major pig-keeping nations.


On Tuesday, German industry group ISN said "packed cold storages, the weak meat business and a lack of impulse from export make the situation quite difficult for the European countries."   


In France, slaughter weights are going down severely, reaching this year’s lowest value at 91.6 kg. French producers are quite worried by this trend, especially given that it coincides with a two-day public holiday.


Spain still tops the list of major pig-keeping countries. But the desperate economic situation in Spain has deflated domestic spending capacity. ISN said there is still hope for a number of states to reverse slow exports, as "Changes in export towards Russia are hanging in the air, in the form of a list reworked by the Russian veterinary authority related to enterprises approved for export."


Britain continues to buck the observed European trend – Prices remained unchanged this week. In Germany, good weather and the prospect of better market conditions to come meant ISN remained optimistic in the short term. Analysts said, "Further prospects are promising, so [domestic] prices are expected to remain steady."