Farming News - EU pig prices: markets stagnate
EU pig prices: markets stagnate
Only minor prices changes have been observed on the European mature pigs market this week. All in all, the price barometer tends to move sideways, according to German organisation ISN. Prices remain unchanged in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Austria and Ireland. Even the Spanish quotation remains constant, with only small fluctuations due to the effect of Easter bank holidays.
Prices fell in France, but only by a small amount, and the drop-off follows a significant rise. Weaker demand was also reported in Great Britain for pork. ISN said, "Starting from a high level, the price swung back to a corrected 1.78 euros." The corrected quotation in Germany currently is 1.63 euros for pigs for slaughter. Italy also reported contractions.
Despite the small fluctuations, ISN said that, overall, "the preconditions are fulfilled for a price increase."