Farming News - Defra lifts bird flu protection zone

Defra lifts bird flu protection zone


Protective measures introduced in a zone surrounding a Yorkshire farm where an outbreak of bird flu was detected in November were lifted on Friday (12 December).


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Defra announced that the Protection Zone restrictions, which limited movement of birds, meat and carcases within a 10km area of the duck breeding farm where H5N8 bird flu was discovered on 16 November, had been downgraded.


Though the strictest controls now no longer apply in the area, the 10km radius around the farm is now covered by a Surveillance Zone. There are still restrictions on the movement of poultry, carcasses, eggs, used poultry litter and manure from the zone, but keepers can apply for licenses for some specific movements now that the risk level has been downgraded.


Guidance on the switch is available from Defra here.


In November, outbreaks of H5N8 were detected in Germany, the Netherlands and at the farm in Yorkshire. Though the strain of bird flu does not pose a great risk to humans, it is devastating and highly infectious for birds. When a spate of outbreaks were discovered mid-month, EU Commission officials suggested that wild migrating birds could have played a part, due to the vast distances between the isolated outbreaks.


Though the strictest measures governing movement in the zone where bird flu was detected in the UK are no longer in force, Defra urged poultry keepers to remain vigilant for signs of disease and said they must maintain the strictest biosecurity.


Public Health England and the Chief Medical Officer have said that the risk to public health from the outbreak is very low, and the Food Standards Agency has said there is no food safety risk for consumers.