Former NFU Vice President Gwyn Jones was presented with the award by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal today (Friday 24 February). The award is presented each year to an individual who has an outstanding lifetime contribution to the dairy sector.

Mr Jones has a long-standing history with the dairy industry and was a dairy farmer for over 35 years. At its peak, he managed 750 cows on a green-field site and was one of the first farms to install a 1.5 MW AD plant. He continues to serve the dairy industry sitting on various boards and organisational groups.

Mr Jones is currently a Non-Executive Director of the Animal Health and Welfare Board (AHWBE), Chairs the new BVD eradication group for England, is Vice Chair of the Ruminant Health and Welfare Group and also sits on the board of the Food Industry Initiative on Antimicrobials (FIIA).

He is also heavily involved in the AHDB Medicine Hub, something he has been a part of since its fruition when he was a member of the AHDB Board and Chaired the Dairy Sector Board.

Mr Jones farms in West Sussex alongside his daughter Gwenan, where they operate a mixed farming enterprise.

He has also been an active member of the NFU holding National Office for several years as the NFU National Dairy Board Chairman and Vice President.

He has also chaired COPA-Cogeca Animal Health and Welfare Working Group and was Chairman of RUMA (Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture), Chairman of EPRUMA (The European equivalent of RUMA) and a member of the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC)for 10 years.

He is also a Nuffield Scholar and Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

Commenting on his award, Mr Jones said: “Receiving the award was unexpected and a great honour. It’s a prestigious award and it is nice to be recognised for the work I’ve done.

“I’ve always been passionate about the dairy industry and cattle, particularly the health and welfare side of things. I’m keen to show how good dairy farming is in this country and gathering data is integral to telling that story,” he said.

Di Wastenage, Chairman of RABDF, added: “Gwyn Jones’ work has had a massive impact on the dairy industry. 

“He works tirelessly representing the dairy industry on a range of bodies and is at the forefront regarding cattle health and welfare.

“His work is invaluable in helping drive a healthier, more productive and profitable national herd," she added.