Farming News - Corteva Agriscience: New broad-spectrum herbicide for Irish growers this spring

Corteva Agriscience: New broad-spectrum herbicide for Irish growers this spring

Corteva Agriscience has launched a new herbicide for grass and broad-leaved weed control in Irish cereal crops.

Manhattan is a unique combination of active ingredients offering a new solution for use in winter wheat, winter rye, winter triticale and winter spelt. 
Manhattan represents a significant evolution from Broadway Star – the herbicide currently favoured by many tillage farmers – as it now contains Arylex in combination with pyroxsulam and florasulam, taking already proven and powerful chemistry to new highs. 
Liz Glynn, National Technical Manager for Corteva Agriscience, said: "This is a great new tool to allow growers to take out yield-robbing weeds early in one pass. 
"The addition of Arylex complements Broadway Star but with improved control of fumitory and ALS-resistant poppy and chickweed." 
Arylex is a unique molecule in the arylpicolinate family of auxin mimics which gives consistent control of challenging weed species within difficult conditions that do not favour other chemistries. One of its key characteristics is a rapid speed of kill and fast degradation time in soil. 
Including it in the formulation creates an even broader spectrum of target weeds which includes bromes, wild and tame oats, ryegrass (from seed) as well as poppy, speedwells, chickweed, mayweed, cleavers, fumitory, and a number of umbellifer, polygonum and brassica species.
Chris Maughan, Technical Manager for Whelan Crop Protection, said: "Manhattan is well suited to Irish farms because it adds Arylex to the Broadway Star formulation, bringing in control of additional weeds such as fumitory and resistant chickweed and poppy populations. 
"When it comes to wild oats, we are also seeing a lot of resistance to the ACCase inhibitor herbicides across Ireland but there is no known resistance to the actives in Manhattan so it's an ideal product to use to if you have resistant wild oats."
Liz added: "Utilising Manhattan as a different mode of action will not only control resistant biotypes but also allows for a greater rotation of chemistry and reduction of selection pressure on fops, dims and dens, allowing for use in other crops where Manhattan cannot be used."  
Manhattan is formulated as a wettable granule in a five-hectare pack and should be applied at a rate of 100g/ha with a suitable adjuvant. 
There are no following crop restrictions and the wide application window spans autumn and spring from growth stage 12 through to 32. There is a broad tank mix list and the product is extremely safe on crops.  
Manhattan is easy to use, flexible, and delivers one of the widest spectrums of both grass and broad-leaved weed control.  
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