Farming News - Consultation on NEW Draft TASCC Codes of Practice
Consultation on NEW Draft TASCC Codes of Practice
The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) has issued, for consultation, draft Codes of Practice for the Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops (TASCC) which comes into force on February 1st 2012. These are now available on the TASCC section of the AIC website.
TASCC is the UK’s leading trade assurance scheme for combinable crops. It covers the supply chain from farm gate to primary processor encompassing grain storage, haulage, merchanting and testing. TASCC is the ONLY UK assurance scheme of its type to have mutual recognition status with all sectors of the grain trade both nationally and internationally.
In the past six months the TASCC Working Group has worked with stakeholders to ensure that the codes reflect the latest legislation as well as industry and customer practice. Observing the Codes ensures that TASCC participants meets the latest requirements. The Codes are also instrumental in helping businesses manage any feed safety incident by ensuring that the necessary due diligence is carried out.
With TASCC now well-established, the Working Group has agreed to issue codes every two years, rather than annually. However, the annual audit will still be required. Publication of the agreed Codes in February allows TASCC participants plenty of time to implement any change well before the harvest period.
The consultation package includes revised TASCC booklets (the Scheme Manual, as well as the Codes for haulage, storage, merchant and testing), a new auditable appendix for companies who sell or hire out bulk trailers or ridged vehicles and a summary document of the changes.
The closing date for this consultation will be midday on the Friday, 9th December 2011.