Farming News - CLA comment on 'access islands' and trespass

CLA comment on 'access islands' and trespass

Country Land and Business Association President Victoria Vyvyan said:

 “Whilst there is already nearly 144,000 miles of public rights of way, enough to travel six times around the globe, and 3.5 million acres of public access land, the CLA supports increasing access, where needed, on a permissive basis.

 “To achieve that we need government to make it easier to add the necessary infrastructure, such as car parking, gates, stiles and loos. The vast majority of land managers keep open spaces accessible, but they cannot do it alone and without funding. Gates, stiles, paths – they all cost money and time in their creation and management.

 “We encourage everyone to visit and enjoy the countryside – and we ask them to do it responsibly, minimising their impact on farmland and being mindful of the many environmental projects that must be protected.

 “Nobody is forced to trespass, it is a choice and millions of acres of land is publicly accessible without the need to do so.”