Farming News - Calls for cohesive government food policy
Calls for cohesive government food policy
Friends of the Earth has become the latest group to call on the government to develop a more holistic view of food. The environment charity, as part of a coalition of 40 NGOs, this week said there should be a strategy for sustainable food and farming, which could pave the way towards a sustainable food future.
FoE spokesperson Vicki Hird lamented that "What we have now is a piecemeal approach that seems to focus on increasing food exports, intensifying production and keeping Big Food happy. This is a major obstacle to ensuring our food system protects and enhances our health and the environment, and promotes sustainable farming and global food sovereignty."
Experts have challenged the export drives and business-centred initiatives Defra claims will 'grow the rural economy'. They argue that measures to encourage people to think more about all aspects of food (across different sectors including education, public health and agriculture), support public sector research and drive long-term social benefits, will be needed to create genuine economic and food security in the UK, rather than short-term improvements for a handful of companies.
MPs on the EFRA Select Committee, who published the findings of their inquiry into national food security last week also suggested the government develop a "coherent approach to this important issue."
As part of the Eating Better Coalition, which also includes the Food Ethics Council, Soil Association and LEAF and celebrates its first year this month, FoE has developed a list of policy demands including development of a joined-up food strategy (including moves to promote more sustainable diets), "Better designed farm support and a push for action at EU level."
Hird said, "Despite [mounting evidence of the need for one], we've got no decent, joined up, food and farm strategy to deliver climate change mitigation or help farmers to adapt; to reduce dietary diseases; or to protect nature and the land."
The policy asks can be viewed here.