Farming News - AHDB's new Horizon work to explore opportunities for exports

AHDB's new Horizon work to explore opportunities for exports

AHDB has launched it's latest Horizon work which looks at the opportunities for the UK over the next decade as a 'Great Trading Nation'. The analysis: 'Prospects for UK agri-food exports', explores consumption trends in different countries, market access requirements, consumer trends in key regions as well as in-depth analysis of the UK's key competitors in order to identify and prioritise opportunities for Agriculture UK.

The first regions explored in the Horizon analysis include Asia, North America and Europe – which remains the UK's most valuable market. Subsequent analysis on Central and South America, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Sub-Saharan Africa, will feature online over the coming weeks.

The aim of this new piece of work is to pinpoint which markets hold the most lucrative opportunities for UK agri-food exports in a bid to increase our red meat, dairy and cereal exports over the coming years.

The analysis shows that outside of the EU, Asia and the Middle East are the most promising markets for UK agri-food exports. In Asia, there are many opportunities for beef, pork, lamb and dairy, as well as cereals – specifically in China.

The Middle East is a key region to target for beef, lamb and dairy, and while not the most promising region for UK exports, North America has opportunities for red meat and dairy.

AHDB Senior Analyst Dr Amandeep Kaur Purewal said: "With Free Trade Agreements being negotiated and finalised at a brisk pace, coupled with the expansion of the middle classes in emerging markets, demand for protein and imported food is increasing.

"Although the UK is unlikely to become an exporter of bulk commodities in the near future, this should not hold us back from promoting UK produce across the world, as well as maximising returns with respect to carcase balance.

"This latest Horizon work not only lets us explore what opportunities exist or will emerge over the coming decade, but also explores what we can learn from our main competitors in regard to how they target, manage and develop their key markets."

To read the latest Horizon work visit