Farming News - Agrotech Chlorthalonil 500SC will be revoked from 19th May 2010.
Agrotech Chlorthalonil 500SC will be revoked from 19th May 2010.
Approval for the sale, supply, use and advertisement of Agrotech Chlorthalonil 500SC (MAPP 13176) will be revoked from 19th May 2010.
This product has been under investigation by CRD since mid March 2010, following concerns that the product being placed on the market was not the same product for which an approval had been granted.
Analysis of samples of this product has shown batches contain high levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and concentrations of the active substance often significantly lower than the declared content of 40.4% w/w chlorothalonil.
Reduced levels of active substance would be likely to affect the efficacy of the product. HCB is classified as a possible human carcinogen, an impurity of known toxicological concern and has established maximum levels that are not permitted to be exceeded.
Approval will be given until 31st July 2010 for storage pending disposal.
Any remaining stocks of product should not be used. Unused product should be returned to your supplier as soon as possible.