Farming News - Agriculture sector: Help us develop our new principles to support disabled workers

Agriculture sector: Help us develop our new principles to support disabled workers

HSE is conducting a research programme with employers and workers from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the human health, hospitality, agriculture and education sectors.

HSE has developed new principles and guidance to support disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions to remain in work. This is in support of the government's commitment to Health is Everyone's Business (HiEB)

Following the launch in November 2022, HSE is now seeking feedback from SMEs to understand if the new guidance is helping to create a supportive and enabling workplace culture.

In particular, we want to know whether the guidance has had an immediate impact on organisations, for example:

  • encouraging senior managers to reflect on their organisational culture
  • enabling line managers to begin conversations with their workers about health and wellbeing
  • empowering workers to consider discussing how workplace adjustments may help reduce the impact of work on their health

The research is being conducted by independent research agency Kantar Public Ltd, who abide by the Market Research Society's Code of Conduct. This means the research will be confidential in nature:

  • no individuals will be identified in the reporting of this research
  • your contact details will be held securely and will not be used for any other purposes

How to take part in the research programme

If you're an SME employer or worker in the human health, hospitality, agriculture or education sector and would like to be contacted by Kantar Public to see how you can help us with our research, please email