Farming News - Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque, Strube and van Waveren by RAGT semences

Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque, Strube and van Waveren by RAGT semences

Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque, Strube and van Waveren by RAGT Semences


Having recently entered into exclusive negotiations, the Deleplanque group and RAGT Semences have now finalised the terms of an agreement to enable the acquisition process. Subject to the necessary regulatory approvals, the Aveyron-based group is expected to acquire all the shares of the Deleplanque group in the last quarter of 2024.

"This strategic operation will expand our product portfolio,” explained Laurent Guerreiro, Chairman of the Management Board of the RAGT Group. “Deleplanque/Strube has recognised expertise in the field of sugar beet. By combining the complementary know-how of the two structures, both in terms of variety selection and production, the aim is to meet our customers' expectations in the best possible way.”

The Deleplanque Group, founded in 1848, is indeed recognised for its expertise in seed multiplication, selection and distribution of beet and vegetable seeds in Europe.

"This integration by RAGT will allow Deleplanque and its Strube and van Waveren entities to develop new outlets, consolidate our selection and invest significantly in research,” explained Eric Verjux, Chairman of the Deleplanque Group.

“This acquisition, underpinned by shared values and ambitions, marks an important milestone in the history of both companies and will open up new opportunities for growth," said Damien Robert, Managing Director of RAGT Semences, while announcing synergies between the two groups in other crops such as cereals and sunflowers.