Farming News - NFU leader to address Green Conservatism Conference in the wake of resignation announcement

NFU leader to address Green Conservatism Conference in the wake of resignation announcement


A new domestic agricultural policy should ensure British farming continues to deliver for the economy, environment and public well-being post-Brexit, NFU President Meurig Raymond will tell the Green Conservatism Conference today.

This speech follows his decision to stand down as union president next year.

In an email to NFU council members, Mr Raymond said that he had decided not to seek re-election as NFU president in February 2018.

“This has been a very difficult decision for me, but it has become increasingly clear that the complex negotiations for the UK to leave the EU will go well beyond the next two years.

“I had always been clear that I would not want to serve as an officeholder beyond 2020 and so, for the sake of continuity and consistency throughout this critical period for British farming, I believe it is right that I should step back now rather than in 2020.”

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Addressing today's conference, organised by think tank Bright Blue, Mr Raymond will urge government and the farming industry to seize the opportunity to develop a bespoke deal once Britain leaves the EU.

Mr Raymond said: “Brexit offers the farming industry the opportunity of a lifetime to develop a domestic policy that can meet, and go beyond, the expectations and needs of the public. Leaving the EU should be a catalyst for a clear vision and a much-needed food plan and government must take advantage of this.

“Farming already provides 61% of the food for the nation but we are confident a new domestic agricultural policy can give us the opportunity to enhance our ability to provide home-grown food for the nation, while continuing our care for the countryside.

Mr Raymond said: “It is crucial that we seize this opportunity and create the right policy framework for Britain. There is recognition that it is important to have a productive farming sector, 89% of the public believe this is the case, so it is vital that we get this policy right.”

The NFU’s framework document for a Domestic Agricultural Policy demonstrates how increasing productivity, managing volatility and enhancing the farmed environment is vital to delivering a bold and ambitious future for the farming sector.

“Improving farm productivity post-Brexit can have benefits that extend far beyond the farm gate. It can allow farmers to create more space for nature, further invest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and better manage nutrients." 

“British farming is the bedrock of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, food and drink, worth £109 billion and employing 3.8 million people. I am confident we can build on that if we make our domestic agricultural policy a success.”