Farming News - 5 Ways Farmers Can Improve Their Operations With LPG

5 Ways Farmers Can Improve Their Operations With LPG

We don’t need to tell you how important the farming and agriculture sector is to the British economy. Contributing over 60% of all food consumed in the UK, it’s an essential industry. Farmers rely heavily on their farm’s fuel source to keep their animals healthy and crops in good condition. In the colder months, these processes become even more energy-intensive.

A key responsibility for farmers is implementing a fuel source which is cost-effective, green and efficient. With the right system in place, farmers can benefit from a powerful fuel supply to run a multitude of operations, no matter how energy-intensive their processes may be.

Consider Cleaner Fuel Supplies

Cleaner fuel sources like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are becoming more widely available and used in farming. With a long list of operational and environmental benefits such as a low-carbon, clean-burning alternative to conventional fossil fuels, it’s becoming the go-to choice for farmers in the UK. Here, we look at how LPG is a great choice for the sector.

1. Prevent over-drying your crops

One of the most effective ways LPG can improve the way you work is one of its most unexpected – as a crop dryer. As an efficient fuel supply, its grain-drying technology can convert up to 90% of the gas used. This lowers fuel consumption and results in potential cost-savings for farmers. Its high levels of control allow you to maintain consistent drying temperatures, reducing the risk of ‘over-drying’. The result is a more evenly dried, higher-quality grain that consumers want to buy.

2. Stop bacteria ruining your milk production

Keeping your milk storage and production free from bacteria can be achieved more resourcefully by using LPG. Regularly washing milk lines and storage tanks is important for dairy farm operations to prevent the risk of legionella bacteria. But the heating of electric water tanks can be expensive to run and often requires time to heat, meaning fuel bills can be high.

This essential process can be streamlined by switching to LPG. Dairy producers can sanitise their milk storage items much quicker thanks to the instantly accessible boiling water provided by LPG. Liquid petroleum gas water heating offers potential cost-savings and eliminates the need for large water storage tanks as you can heat the water instantaneously.

3. Keep your cattle,sheep and chickens warm

There’s no point in having a lot of livestock if you’re not looking after them properly. These animals need to be warm to remain healthy. Without warmth they can suffer, be prone to disease and even die if conditions aren’t kept at the right temperatures. This is particularly important for rearing poultry, because constant access to heat is key to their survival.

You’ve guessed it: LPG can help you improve this process. It allows you to maintain greater control over indoor temperatures. You can set optimum moisture levels which will aid in speedy feathering and weight gain amongst poultry. As a clean-burning, smoke-free fuel, it won't expose animals to harmful emissions. This reduces the risk of contamination through feeds and litter when compared to oil-based fuels.

4. Let your flowers bloom

Farming is traditionally associated with producing essential food. But now, the industry grows flowers and other plants to diversify its income stream. As farms look to expand their offering, the growing of flowers and plants is now a big business, so it’s essential they’re kept at optimum temperatures. This reduces the risk of them being damaged. With LPG heating systems, farmers have greater control, ensuring their plants are given everything they need to thrive. LPG’s clean-burning properties also reduce the risk of contamination over oil fuel, keeping plants safe and healthy.

5. Look beyond the farm

Like biomethane, LPG doesn’t just have a commercial use. It can also power your farmhouse and even be used as a cooking gas. For those living off-grid, LPG provides a low-carbon alternative to conventional fossil fuels with no risk of oil spills.

You can store your LPG tanks whichever way suits you best. It’s can be easily positioned out of view and stored above or below ground. If your home energy needs are less substantial, you can use gas cylinders which are portable and can be stored in a convenient location. You’ll also benefit from an automated ordering system that will keep you topped up, completely free of charge.

The clean, green LPG offers so many benefits, like reducing carbon emissions, which make them good for the environment. So, with so many great uses and also a benefit to the environment, LPG is a great choice of fuel for farming.
