Farming News - 5 reasons to become a farming mentor

5 reasons to become a farming mentor

Would you like to mentor others in the agricultural sector, to share your knowledge and skills and help others to grow and succeed in business? Following the launch of the Cultivate Success programme, the team is looking for people involved in agriculture to become mentors.

"A mentor can be anyone from any background, of any age, as long as they are willing to help people," explains Helen Wyman, founder of Cultivate Success.

"A diverse age range is great, as people may relate more to someone of a similar age."

Mentoring can be a rewarding journey of helping a mentee to flourish and grow, while at the same time enriching your own life. "But there is much more to it than that," she says.

So what are the other reasons to become a mentor?

1. Professional development
Being a mentor can bring personal development in the form of enhancing leadership and communication skills, as well as gaining new perspectives from the industry. "It also allows for continual learning, and staying abreast of the latest trends, while providing a valuable addition to any professional portfolio," says Helen.

"Our training programme equips mentors with the tools and skills to effectively guide and support their mentees. This includes strategies for effective communication, methods to inspire and motivate, and techniques to provide constructive feedback. We also cover best practices for setting goals and boundaries, ensuring a productive and respectful mentoring relationship."

2. Networking and community
Through the mentor and mentee community, there are opportunities to connect with a diverse range of professionals, which can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. "There is also a strong and supportive network of mentors and mentees who share the same passions," she says.

3. Flexible commitment
Sessions with mentees can be totally flexible to suit individual schedules. "Fit in mentoring around your diaries, making it a manageable commitment."

4. Recognition and profile building
Being a part of the mentoring programme elevates the mentor's professional profile. "Gain recognition for your skills and expertise, which can positively impact your profile."

5. Personal fulfilment
Mentoring can bring a huge amount of personal fulfilment, says Helen. "Mentors can experience the deep satisfaction of making a tangible difference in someone's life and career.
"Our unique matching process ensures a highly compatible pairing to ensure an enjoyable mentoring relationship which enhances personal and professional growth for all involved."

For those who would like to give mentoring a try, applications are open for the fully-funded training and development programme in the Lincolnshire Wolds. "Mentors can be from anywhere in the UK, and of any age, with an involvement in agriculture or the allied industries," explains Helen.

"We believe mentorship is a powerful tool for growth – for both the mentee and the mentor. If you're looking to make a meaningful impact while growing yourself, we invite you to join us."